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Construction Genius

Nov 17, 2020

Would you like to overcome distraction and discouragement, and stay focused on executing your leadership responsibilities? Define a compelling vision and mission. Commit to a strong ethical code. Understand and leverage your unique skill set. Clarify your top initiatives, and be accountable for their execution. Cultivate relationships inside and outside your company, and continue to work on your own personal development. 

If that sounds like a lot, it is! Fortunately there are resources available to help, like The Construction Leaders Dashboard. 

The Dashboard is a simple tool construction executives use to clarify eight areas vital to their success. In this episode of Construction Genius, I’ll explain each area of the Dashboard, and using a real-world example show you how you can take this tool and use it to enhance your leadership. 

Interested to know more about the Construction Leaders Dashboard? Tune in to this episode now!

What’s Discussed in This Episode:

  1. Hallmarks of a great leader [02:33]
    • Know their goals [02:40]
    • Know the reason for their goals [02:55] 
    • Clear identity [03:48]
    • Know what sets them apart [04:48]
    • Reports everyday [05:12]
    • Measures how to be successful [05:44] 
    • Sees the importance of relationships [06:18] 
    • Seeks growth and development [07:02]
    • Clarity [09:10]
    • Focus [09:44]
    • Keeps one grounded [10:04]
    • Accountability [10:56]
    • Consistency [11:08]
  2. Benefits of having a dashboard [07:57]
    • What is vision? [12:41]
    • Set your company’s mission [14:44]
    • Values define your behavior [16:00]
    • Edge: what sets you apart [17:57]
    • Initiatives that help you focus [22:46] 
    • Metrics [25:17]
    • Relationships and success [27:00]
    • Development opportunities to be better [30:06]
  3. What’s in a leaders’ dashboard [11:39]
  4. The need for a leadership dashboard [32:00]




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Thank you for tuning in!